Friday, October 29, 2010

What to Expect Out of a Celebrity Homes Sales Representative

Celebrity Homes sales representatives are unique in that they only represent Celebrity Homes and no other competing companies. This means our sales representatives are uniquely equipped to help you understand Celebrity Homes and how it works.

Sales representatives at Celebrity Homes focus their complete professional attention on our homes.

This allows them to be very familiar with:

• Unique floor plans. Talk to a representative and let them help you find the one that best floor plan that meets your family’s unique needs.

• Construction of the home. We take great pride in the quality of our homes. Ask someone with Celebrity Homes about how the home is constructed. You will be surprised at how knowledgably they can answer your questions.

• Financing. Knowing just how affordable a Celebrity Homes are from the start of your home buying process makes everything run much smoother from the very start.

We are often asked by customers if they need a realtor when buying a home. You do not, as our sales representatives are fully equipped to help you with all of your needs. If you choose to use a realtor, you can do that, as well. This is frequently the case and we are able to work well with a realtor of your choosing. We want you to use whatever process helps you to feel the most comfortable with your home building experience.

Celebrity Homes wants you to feel as comfortable as possible building your new home. We train all of our staff to help you feel just that way. If you would like to talk to one of our sales representatives, give us a call or stop by one of our model homes. We think you will be glad you did!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Prequalifying for a Celebrity Home Loan – It’s Easier than You Think

Please call us at (402) 896-3100 for the above mentioned documents.

Celebrity Homes doesn’t believe that qualifying for a loan should be a difficult, intimidating process. In fact, we’ve made it as simple as we possibly can. There are a few things to know about the home loan process if you want to see what type of Celebrity Homes custom-built home you might qualify for.

Your Debt Ratios

To determine if you qualify for a home loan, the mortgage company uses two ratios:

Front end ratio: This is the allowable percentage of your gross monthly income that you are permitted to use for your mortgage payment. 

Backend ratio: This is the allowable percentage of monthly income you are allowed to use for all of your revolving debt obligations. This includes items like your monthly minimum credit card payments, car payments, student loans, child support, and anything else that is a regular debt obligation for you.

The mortgage company takes your gross monthly debt payments and divides it by your monthly gross income to calculate the home loan amount for which you qualify.

In addition to your debt ratios, the mortgage company will also consider your credit score when determining your home loan amount.

Celebrity Home’s Process

While we cannot personally pull your credit score, we can show you both of your ratios to give you an idea of what to expect and what is reasonable when you apply for a home loan.

If you have not checked your credit score recently or just wish to have a complete picture of exactly what the mortgage company will see when they look over your information, you can easily get your credit score online at a number of reputable websites.

Celebrity Home Forms

We have a worksheet we use to work out and record your estimated monthly payment. We also have a form you can use to determine if it would be in your best financial interest to purchase a Celebrity Home over a pre-owned home.

Would you like to see if you qualify for a Celebrity Home new home loan? The answer might surprise you. With today’s economic situation yielding all time lows in interest rates, many qualify for a much larger, nicer home than they ever thought possible.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Celebrity Homes Savings Event

Fall often brings many new beginnings. School starts, football season kicks off, and the fun of the holidays is right around the corner. Now is a great time to make new goals for the coming months and prepare for the new year. What if you included building a new home in those plans? Sound impossible? Think again!

Now Celebrity Homes makes owning a new home easily within your reach. In fact, owning a new home has never been easier. Celebrity Homes knows there are new memories just waiting to be made in a new home that we want to make it easier than ever. Building your dream home is easily within your reach and we’ve developed a “Celebrity Homes Savings Event” to make it even simpler.

Save Big with Celebrity Homes

Want to celebrate the holidays in a brand new, custom built home? Here is what you can expect with this amazing “Celebrity Homes Savings Event:”

* Amazingly low “Celebrity Homes” price

* Paid closing costs
* First year’s home insurance paid
* “Celebrity Homes Savings Discount”

The first three things are not new to those who have seen our great collection of Celebrity Homes lately. However, the “Celebrity Homes Savings Event” makes a Celebrity Homes even more attainable by the end of the year.

What is the “Celebrity Homes Savings Discount?”

In addition to the incredible prices Celebrity Homes already offers, the “Celebrity Homes Savings Discount” makes building your new home an even closer reality than it ever has been before.

Here is what you can expect:

When you purchase a new home during this fall, you will receive an additional discount on top of the great prices Celebrity Homes already offers. The minimum discount you can expect is $1,500 for any new home Celebrity Homes offers.

What can be better than building a dream home? Saving money building your dream home!

What do you need out of your current home that you don’t already have? Maybe you want a bigger garage, a larger kitchen, or a pool for next summer. Whatever your dream home looks like, Celebrity Homes can make it become a reality, and no longer a dream. In fact, that’s what we specialize in: making the home you’ve always imagined an actuality!

But who says you need to spend a fortune making those dreams a reality? Certainly not us! Talk to us and let us help you realize your dreams in a way that you never thought possible with our “Celebrity Homes Savings Event.”